I am Clinton Caruana, the founder of this website, maltaclouds. From my early childhood, I was always very keen on the weather. In fact, I find bad weather especially interesting since I remain amazed on how various atmospheric conditions work together or rather clash with each other in order to create beautiful phenomena such as clouds, wind and much more. Hence, I decided to create my own website as a hobby with the sole purpose of exhibiting my own collection of cloud photos under their right species including the other weather-related phenomena that constitute the weather over the Maltese Islands. Maltaclouds was launched in February 2010 and was revamped by IT professionals in order to give it a more professional look. Prior to launching my own website, I took courses in weather and very basic web-design. I was also part of a local weather organization that used to issue the 5-day and 15-day weather forecasts for its customers (including businesses) and the general public. Currently, I am part-time employed as a weather consultant with a local travel agency (over and above my full-time job within the public service) including the marine weather forecast in Summer over the sea areas surrounding the Maltese Islands and Sicily.
One of my weather photographs (entitled Cumulonimbus_capillatus ) competing in the ‘EUROPHOTOMETEO Competition’ organized by the European Meteorological Society (EMS) was published in the European Meteorological Calendar 2013. This calendar is made annually by the Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft (DMG) in collaboration with the European Meteorological Society (EMS). A link to my published photograph can be found here under ‘Agosto’. The ‘EUROPHOTOMETEO Competition’ takes place on a bi-annual cycle and is open to any person who would like to participate.
Clouds come in different shapes, sizes and form. That’s why they are mystifying!
This site is primarily a photographic collection of the various cloud species that pass over the Maltese Islands located in the Mediterranean. These photos include an illustrated detailed explanation of the atmospheric conditions that led to the clouds’ formation when necessary. A 24-hour cloud forecast and weather warnings/hazards are included in the Home page. This would be especially useful for weather photographers and for the general public to be prepared for weather events (not only for the extreme events but also other hazards such as heavy dew for instance).
As mentioned, maltaclouds have undergone a major revamp in order to give it a fresh and professional look along with the latest updated information. It also provides for more user interaction through the ability to leave comments on every cloud blogs and sharing facilities. The new maltaclouds website has been inagurated in October 2019. Maltaclouds still remains a simple and very easy to use website. Users could navigate website pages through many possible ways such as by month or by cloud types. If there are any difficulties, please let me know here. I hope you like my site as much as I have enjoyed creating it! I would like to thank everyone for visiting.
For school and educational purposes only my website can be referenced as:
Clinton Caruana, 2010. Malta clouds information and photo gallery. [online] Available at: www.maltaclouds.net [Accessed date]
- This website is all the works of a single person. Due credit will obviously be given to other peoples’ or organizations’ weather photos.
- As from the year 2020 onwards, weather photos will be updated monthly.
The cumulonimbus is the KING of all clouds and the most POWERFUL! Man must owe it respect!
All clouds have a family but no cloud is ever the same. They are just like brothers and sisters!