Sc lacunosus

An unusually large honey-comb like hole in the thick stratocumulus cloud cover whose species could not be identified. The first thumbnail is a panoramic view of the cloud cover taken some minutes later which shows that the stratocumulus cloud cover was rapidly changing structure due to rising air with rain falling in the background. The round holes inside the cloud cover was probably formed by descending pockets of cooler air finding itself above the rising warm air hence being forced to descend since cooler air is heavier than warmer air and therefore leading to the formation of a hole in the cloud with fringed edges. The weather situation of the day was explained here. The second thumbnail shows the line of bad weather that had crossed the Maltese Islands whilst the third thumbnail shows that the Malta was on the SE side of an upper-level trough allowing the storm clouds to develop on the east sector due to a very light SW surface wind. Most of the land area missed those heavy showers. The visible satellite image shows the very isolated nature of the clouds along with a jet stream that was still far north as normal for early Autumn.

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