Cc homomutatus

This image shows the formation of cirrocumulus clouds through the spreading out of a contrail left by an aeroplane. It was classified as cirrocumulus due to the clouds having no shading and also the development of small cloud elements with an apparent width of less than 1°. Homomutatus was added because the cloud formed out of a human-induced source in this case water vapour from the hot exhaust of an aircraft. Whilst this site does not believe in chemtrails, adding extra water vapour in the upper atmosphere may affect the weather at the surface such as warmer nighttime temperatures in an otherwise cloudless skies and perhaps increasing the risk for upper-level thunderstorms due to seeding of clouds that nature would have not made. The first thumbnail is a panoramic photo of the high clouds in the sky as viewed in the rural area at Ghajn Dwieli of which the main photo shown is part of. One can notice various types of high clouds apart from the cirrocumulus described such as a contrail, cirrus fibratus on the top right of that first thumbnail photo and what looks like Cirrus uncinus in the bottom right seemingly comma-shaped as typical of such clouds. The natural high cloud formations seem to have been associated with a warm front within a rapidly shrinking low pressure system to the SE of Sicily which came out from North Africa and was the culprit of the previous day microburst winds described here. This warm front seemed to have directed lots of moisture in the upper reaches of the atmosphere at altitudes of about 10km and above where the high clouds and contrails had formed according to the weather sounding on the second thumbnail.

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