Ci intortus

Actually the ‘intortus’ is a variety of cirrus clouds not a species according to the WMO Cloud Atlas. However, the species was left blank because it could not be decided if it were fibratus which probably is or uncinus. The gist of the intortus variety is that the cloud’s filaments become entangled unlike those of fibratus which remain straight. The first thumbnail is cirrus uncinus clouds taken around an hour later and are characterized by their comma-shape hook. Althaugh these high clouds were formed in isolated patches, their distribution were widespread in the sky. Such widespread presence normally indicate the arrival of bad weather due to an approaching front which held true as a typical Autumnal thunderstorm had occured in the following morning. In this case, these clouds were indicating the arrival of a longwave trough along with a weak low pressure system to the NW of Sicily moving southeatwards as per third and fourth thumbnails respectively. These high clouds were also visible on the large visible satellite image on the fifth thumbnail and confirm their relationship with the mentioned weather features through their circulation within the weak low. The second thumnail is the weather sounding at the time confirming the presence of these clouds at altitudes of between 8.8km and 10.2km with a WSW Force 8 wind blowing at those altitudes.

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