Cu congestus

Formation of cumulus clouds in the background trying to break up through the stratocumulus perlucidus cloud layer. This weather situation was initiated due to a kink in the 500mb chart lines (2nd thumbnail). In combination with the tail-edge of a cold airmass (3rd thumbnail) and light surface winds, some instability was generated mostly over the warm sea hence helping to raise bubbles of warm, moist air in the form of cumulus clouds which then spread out horizontally due to stable airmass higher up. The weather sounding (1st thumbnail) depicts the explained weather situation whereby `Thermal` indicates the contrast between the surface cold air and the warmer surface, the altitude between `LFC` and `lfc-EL` is the part of the atmosphere where instability was present and `lfc-El` is probably the level at which stratocumulus clouds was developed as it met more stable air above it. In the afternoon, all the clouds had dissipated as the short-wave in the upper atmosphere continued to move southwards.

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