Ac floccus

Formation of closely congregated individual bundles of altocumulus clouds leaving small gaps of clear sky in between hence of the variety ‘perlucidus’. However, this panoramic photo shows that there were more varieties of this cloud ranging from altocumulus stratiformis towards the left to undulatus in the bottom left with possibly approaching cirrus clouds in the background. This cloud cover was identified as mid-level due to grey shading of the cloud elements towards the right. This is distinguished from the photo of the first thumbnail showing various types of high clouds without shading being cirrus spissatus clouds and potentially large elements of cirrocumulus clouds and thin layer of cirrocumulus stratiformis undulatus in the background. The second thumbnail is a beautiful sunset on the same day created by cirrus fibratus clouds. These clouds were probably formed due to turbulence from a strong overhead jet stream despite being an upper-level ridge with corresponding high pressure as per fourth and fifth thumbnails respectively. The third thumbnail is the weather sounding showing high-level clouds above 7km altitudes, but possibly down to 6km enabling the high altocumulus clouds in the main photo along with turbulence. These cloud formations by themselves were not followed by bad weather.

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